to eti


HIII HIII HIIIIII :33333333 sooooo.... Idk how to start this kind of things... BUT UHM BASICALLY I LOVE U SOSOSOSO MUCH KAJADHAKSH I'm so happy I met u and that you decided to talk to me cuz if you didn't we'll probably still being just mutuals on twt KAKSJEJE I still thinking it was so funny how so much in common we had KSKSJDJ ngl for a moment (Like 5 senconds sjsj) I thought maybe you were lying abt having things in common w me cuz it was surprising how much it was but I'm glad it was actually real and that we are together now jsjjsj
You make me soooo happy frfrf, everytime I talk to u I'm SOSOSOOSO happy and I can't stop smiling, you're so funny and sweet and cute and pretty and your art is so amazing and aaaah I love u so much and I don't want u to ever doubt it and if u do you can ask how many times you need cuz I'll never get tired of reminding u how much I love u, there's nothing you can do to make me stop loving you, I hope we can be together for a loooong time, so long that we'll be together till we die KSJSJDJ
Actually AKDBDKJ you motivate me to keep learning japanese jsjdj when I think abt giving up abt it I think of u and I want to keep trying MWAH AKSJDJ
I want u to be happy and if I'm someone that can help making you happy then it's better ksjsjs u deserve to be the happiest person ever, but remember that bad days will always exist and that one bad day is not a whole bad life, but everytime you ever have a bad day I'm gonna be there for you and I'm gonna listen and take care of you, I'd never think you're annoying, hard to deal w or anything like that, cuz you're not. Don't be so hard on yourself and take care of you in the ways I can't please. I LOVE UUUUUU SOSOSOSOSOSOO MUCH AND I'M GONNA LOVE U FOREVER MWAH MWAH MWAH
Click <--

to donatello.


There's a slim possibility that you'll actually see this, so I'm writing this here. I attempted. Didn't work. I'm home and healing, life feels a little easier to exist in. Do not talk about me, ever. Do not mention me even if you don't say my name. I never existed in your life. I was never a part of it. You never knew me and I never knew you. I can't move on if I know for a fact that you still think about me. Keep quiet about me. Eventually you'll forget about me, that's for the better. There was never any proof of my existence in your life. Every trace of me will be removed, pictures, screenshots, videos, everything. Do not continue to talk about me. I'm looking forward and I'm not looking back. For the first time in forever I want to have another shot at being human, at being me and loving myself. Not letting anything hold me back, which includes you and you talking about me. I'm gone. I'm not here. You never knew me. I was just a random person on Twitter. You don't know me. That's all I ask. Please pretend I was never here so that I can move on.

to eti


As sending letters and gifts is expensive I thought abt making our own mail thing B3 ajasjsj
Here we can send messages or pics or the drawings we made for eachother so they'll be alway saved and can't get lost :3c
I didn't want to use some external site for this cuz it can be deleted anytime and in this way we can personalize everything sjsj
In Tutorial you can see how to make a note :3 it looks kinda hard and annoying BUT IT IS'NT I PROMISE AJSJSJ you'll get used to it and I tried to make it really easy so you don't have to learn html sjjjd
(Btw if u add a note obviously I'm not gonna get a notification so you'll have to tell me sjsjsjj)